NHS is holding their canned food drive this week. Please drop items off in the boxes in your study hall room.  The study hall with the most food collected will win a pizza party.

 Seniors- Tomorrow  during 1st hour, a representative from the Operating Engineers Local 965 will be here to talk about job opportunities after graduation.  All seniors are encouraged to attend. 

There is a sign up sheet in the gym for those interested in playing baseball this Spring.  

There will be a football meeting today during study hall in the gym for any guys interested in playing football in the fall.

FCS Club will meet on Wednesday in Mrs. Warnick's room during study hall. 

If you are feeling a small, but sweet snack, this week's Hotspot menu is for you! Check out all the cookie options at the end of the school day on Tuesday and Thursday this week! The cookie options and prices will be on the tv screens, so make sure you look out for them!